Angora cat species is one type of cat that has been
increasingly popular in the country of Indonesia, but many people who only know
his name. While the form of its own Angora cats they do not know for sure, they
only imagine Angora cat is just a cat was plain that has a cute and beautiful fur.
In parts of the countries of the world, a lot of various kinds of cats, ranging from being maintained and cultivated, and there is also, kind of wild cat in use as his pets, talking about the types of cats of its kind cat breeds Angora, it is one of a kind cat cute and pretty, which has a price is quite expensive and only certain communities are able to buy, care for and maintain the type of cat Angora, besides its price is so expensive, for the care of its course, of course it should use the method of treatment too expensive anyway so that the beauty of this Angora cat, do not fade and do not come down in price.
How you are interested to buy and maintain? .To See traits - traits angora cat could be seen from various parts of the body ini.Seperti Angora cats were found on the body parts Angora cat itself, the head, face, hands and feet her, and on his tail section, the latter is there also in the eye, mai For more details, we discussed one by one in this paper.
- In the Angora cat body parts
In the body size of these types Angora cat, his usual very slim and with a
weight that is not so severe, even the types Angora cat has a long, moderate,
and not too short nor too long.
- In the head and face Angora Cats
The characteristics that seems so obvious, you can see on the nose of his,
where the nose of the cat Angora it look longer at faces melonjong, however
when viewed closely the shape of the head cat Angora, such as triangular,
besides Cats Angora This, also has ears are so wide and his ears position slightly
elongated upwards.
- At the hands and feet of Angora Cats
The Angora cat, has the uniqueness of this kind of angora cat race that has
feet tall and will be seen clearly if we align the premises types his other
- At the tail of Angora cat
Cats Angora, also has other unique, that has a tail feathers which expands like
a fan, in addition to expanding the hairs found on the cats angora is quite
thick, it may not be surprised if the feathers cat Angora, it could inflate
like a fan.
- In the Angora cat eye
Cats Angora has color eyeball cat angora is very typical and so very unique,
which is where the color of both his eyes were different from each other, and
the uniqueness of cat Angora is his usual owned by Angora cat who has a white
color, and his regular eye color right part of this Angora cat, blue and,
yellow on the left side of his eye.
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