Friday, November 27, 2015

Know the scottish fold cat

Scottish Fold cat is a domestic cat species that have a genetic mutation that affects the dominant naturally throughout the cartilage in the body, which causes the cat's ears folded toward the front. With this folded ears, cat scottish fold looks like an owl. Unlike the American Curl cat whose ears folded back, Scottish Fold closed his ears forward.

Scottish Fold Cat
The origin of these cats originated from white cat named Susie found in Perthshire, Scotland in 1961. Susie has an unusual ear, ears folded so as to resemble an owl. When Susie had a child in 1963, two of them were born with folded ears, and one of them was adopted by William Ross, a neighboring garden once a cat lover. Susie only produced one female kitten named Snooks folded ears, which is also white. While other female child was castrated shortly after birth. Three months after birth Snook, Susie eventually die from getting hit by a car. So to say that the whole of Scottish Fold cat had blood Susie as their ancestors.
William Ross who had adopted her cat Snooks then enroll in GCCF (Governing Council of the Cat Fancy) in England in 1966 and started to perform genetic breeding with the help of expert Pat Turner. Results of the breeding program produce 76 kittens in the first three years, 42 of which have folded ears and the remaining 34 had normal ears straight. These results indicate that mutations scottish fold cat's ear is a dominant gene.

Ras Recognition

Scottish Fold cat breed is not recognized in Europe by FIFE (Fédération Internationale Féline) and GCCF withdraw recognition of this cat registry in 1971. All of this was done because of fears of genetic mutations is a disability that will affect the paralysis of the limbs and tail of this cat. Additionally folded ears can trigger infections, fleas and became deaf. Another case in the United States, after these cats are exported to it, the breeders tried to improve the genetic cat scottish fold by doing mixed with cat British Shorthair and American Shorthair cats. Until now, this cat has no problems on ear infections as feared, only a layer of wax earwax Scottish Fold cats more than other cats. Until now Scottish Fold cat is only recognized by TICA (The International Cat Association) and CFA (Cat Fanciers' Association).

Physical characteristics

Scottish Fold cat all infants born with ear straight and not bent, then the ear kittens show signs folded ears on day 21. Kittens that do not develop folded ears became known as the "Straight". The original Scottish Fold cat only has one ear folded, but because it is done selectively breeding, breeders finally managed to produce two ears are folded, there are even some cat ears completely flat with his head.

Character properties

Scottish Fold cats usually possess a friendly and quiet and can adjust to other animals in the house. They tend to be very close and dear to the owners often feed. Cat scottish fold including smart cat who likes to play, even until he was an adult. These animals are very pleased to be invited to the outdoors and enjoy playing in the outdoors. This cat really hate when he felt lonely and can make it depressed and stressed.

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